Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

Climbing: Maiden Voyage to the Pinnacles

Mr. Mud wanted the first trip for his new ride to be special, and what could be more special than taking her to his favorite place on earth, the Pinnacles?

It was a smooth ride indeed, and Mr. Mud thoroughly enjoyed the USB port that even my CR-V does not have. (I’m envious.) After his techtalk podcasts, he turned to an audio book. Later, Mud claimed on the forum that the book put me to sleep. That’s not true! It was an interesting book on Roosevelt, but I only got 6 hours of sleep last night, which was 4 hour short of the desired amount!

It was really warm when we arrived and a bit muggy too. But there was a constant breeze that was pleasant. However, as soon as bushwhacking started, the breeze could no longer be felt. By the time we reached the Frog, I was soaked. That was some serious bushwhacking! Mr. Mud was seen to be looking for a path way to the crag, but I doubted there was one. It was equally heinous on the way out too.

Climbing was slow. But what’s the rush? We did Pinch Grip, Volcanic Panic, and Get A Grip (all TR for me). Mud was in such an adventurous spirit that he chose not to clip one bomber bolt. He had slung three extrusions before he got to the bolt. Get A Grip was a quality route, as fun as the famous POD on the Monolith.  Too bad that it sits on a rock that receives little visit. We became more convinced that Joe’s idea about building a trail to the Frog was a great one.

That was our little Fit’s maiden voyage to the Pinnacles. Besides the two unsightly bird droppings on the windows awaiting our return, it was quite uneventful, but at least, those were from Pinnacles’ birds!

Click here for all the photos. Below are a few highlights.

The Fit with the landmark Pinnacles restroom in the background.

It was breezy when we walked by the reservoir.

Mud saw the ridge, and I saw the bushes.

Look, a pinnacle!

On route to the Frog, we paused at a clearing looking at a rock formation nearby. Mud mumbled the rock got route potentials. When I suggested the rock should just be left alone, he claimed with the hand gestures and all, “Vision, you need to have a viiiiiiiiiiiision!”

Another rock formation that I do not have a vision for.

Looking straight up at Get A Grip.

We bushwhacked through all that below us???

A view from the top of the Frog. The photo was processed using the “I feel lucky” button. It brought the colors and contrast out.

The pinnacles’ birds left Mud some gift.