Thursday, December 17th, 2009

Cats: Can We Survive Being Apart? 想我的猫丫头们。

After a full year of being home bound, we decided to take a road trip to Tucson, AZ for the holidays. We’ll be gone for a week. Can we all survive? I am already missing them even though we have not left yet! Feeling anxious about the separation, I wrote following post (in Chinese) to the pet forum.

自从有了两个小丫头就没真正出过门了。想想不容易,当初和猫爸还是在户外认识的呢。以前看到当父母的有了小孩就一切以孩子为生活的重点,因而失去了自我, 对此不以为然,暗想自己肯定就不会这样。现在想想,理想和现实真的是有差距的。庆幸自己不打算要小孩,否则的话自己对parenting的一套套大道理自 己首先就做不到。好在猫猫再怎样宠也不会有什么样的后果(不像小孩会走邪道),所以我也就由着自己宠她们了。




昨晚装好了新订购的自动清理卫生间。 网上反馈有人讲他们的猫无论如何不能接受。说明书上建议循序渐进,慢慢地撤去旧的砂盆。可是我们三天后就出门,没时间磨合了,我就直接把就砂盆清了放入地 下室,这样她们就看不到旧砂盆。今早没看到有成就,上班一天悬着心,晚上回家就看到盒子里藏着一猫的份额,还没起身出房间呢,小家伙就跳进去睁着大眼睛看 着我,当时就办了公。现在我彻底放心了。闺女就是让人省心呀。不给家长添难题。





5 Responses

  1. El Hombreon 18 Dec 2009 at 8:09 am

    Re: Tucson, check this out:
    I’ve been in the area a few years ago, did some of these trails and came back a different man! Excellent training ground to pick up or improve tech skills, but bringing armor along is not a bad idea…
    Not sure what you’re saying about the cats though ;-)..

  2. mudwormon 18 Dec 2009 at 8:21 am

    Hi Dirk, thanks for the link! I have mixed feelings about riding in Tucson after watching the video in that thread — both excited and scared. Wish I had picked up some real armors.
    Oh, about the cats, all I said was a bunch of meows.

  3. El Hombreon 18 Dec 2009 at 8:51 am

    Don’t worry about the scary stuff: those guys (a.o. Scott from Topofusion) are as expert as riders come and most of the tech moves they’re showcasing are short off-trail excursions. The nice thing about the trails there is that they offer obstacles of all difficulties and you can gradually make your way up – and walk the stuff you’re not comfortable on. There are also plenty of intermediate level trails…

  4. Patrick Herlihyon 18 Dec 2009 at 11:06 pm

    我能從它把谷歌翻譯,這讓只有多一點使命感。位對自動貓咪垃圾清潔有趣的是 – 永遠不知道,如果這些實際工作:)

  5. mudwormon 19 Dec 2009 at 6:32 am

    Hahaha… That’s just awful! I’m on my way out. When I get a chance, I have to use Google Translation to see what you have read, Patrick. Probably not what I wrote. Betcha it’s funny.